Order fresh vegetables, fruits & lot more from your neighbourhood shops
Fresh Guaranteed, Sourced Locally
instafrsh is a hyperlocal mobile-marketplace that makes buying daily-needs from your trusted neighbourhood sellers easy & convenient. Currently instafrsh has a focus on the fresh category including fruits, vegetables, dairy (milk, paneer etc), breads, meat, chicken, fish, seafood etc. It ensures quality and freshness of the items at reasonable prices.
The instafrsh-chat makes it very easy for consumers to customize the items in their order. A few messages with the smart-chat agent of instafrsh is all you need to get your fresh fruits & veggies delivered to your doorstep. It provides free-home-delivery for all your orders.
Sellers on the instafrsh platform are your very own neighbourhood vendors, some of whom you have always known. The platform makes price-discovery for consumers very easy. It also allows your neighbourhood sellers to bring their entire product-selection online. An order placed on the instafrsh-app is sourced from the local-seller of your choice and is generally delivered within 90 minutes.